Sunday, December 7, 2008

Damn Nintendo

I am a fan of Pokemon and I have been since I was first introduced to it in primary school, even now I always make an effort to play the latest version that Nintendo comes up with despite all the conservative pokefans on message boards ranting about how Pokemon has been DESTROYED FOREVER with each new release. However, I absolutely refuse to purchase an actual Gameboy/Nintendo DS and play legitimate pokemon games. Instead, I would rather download them and play them on emulators, for one simple reason. Event pokemon.

With each new generation, Nintendo releases a bunch of new pokemon while retaining all the old ones. The goal of each new game remains the same- catch them all, a task which becomes increasingly more difficult as each generation adds new pokemon. A few of those new pokemon will be event pokemon, pokemon which are only obtainable through official Nintendo sponsored events. There is no way to get these pokemon in the games without downloading something from a Nintendo event. The problem is, Nintendo events are only held in specific countries and specific locations in those countries. If you don't live in an area where an event is held, then you will never get those event pokemon, and it is unlikely that you will be able to catch them all.

Obviously event pokemon has prompted a lot of criticism from fans and Nintendo's response? Go to this page and read the first entry.

Nintendo does not care about those who play their games. I am certain that there are fans of pokemon in other places besides America and they too would love to get their hands on those event pokemon. It's just too bad that Nintendo doesn't bother to have pokemon events in Malaysia or even in Vancouver which is so close to Japan. Until I can get an event pokemon of my own, I will never buy anything from those bastards at Nintendo. Judging from their current response to complaints, I don't see change happening anytime soon.